Sunggal,-Bambang Sugiarto (57) warga Gaperta, pelaku penganiayaan terhadap pegawai Kejaksaan, Brainy Oloandri Pahala Bukit (26), pada Kamis malam (22/8) sekira pukul 18:24 WIB, kini harus merasakan dinginnya lantai “Hotel Prodeo” milik Polsek Sunggal setelah diringkus tim Kejaksaan dan Petugas Polsek Sunggal.
Pasalnya, pelaku melakukan penganiayaan terhadap korban saat melintas dari Jalan Setia Budi Kelurahan Tanjung Rejo Kecamatan Medan Sunggal.
Dalam keterangannya, korban menyebutkan dirinya telah membuat LP di Polsek Sunggal pada Jumat pagi (23/8) sekira pukul 10:45 WIB, dengan nomor : LP/B/1454/VIII/2024/SPKT/Polsek Sunggal.
“Awalnya saat aku melintas di lokasi dengan mengenderai sepeda motor, tiba-tiba dia (pelaku-red), mengarahkan kakinya kearah ku hingga mengenai sepeda motorku. Lalu, aku berhenti dan bertanya kepada si pelaku ‘kenapa bang’, tapi dia langsung memaki aku serta memukul wajahku dan menarik ku dari sepeda motor. Pelaku juga mengeluarkan pisau dari tasnya dan mengarahkannya kearahku,” ungkap korban.
Terpisah, Kapolsek Sunggal Kompol BG Hutabarat ketika dikonfirmasi wartawan, Sabtu (24/8) melalui pesan singkat Whatsapp yang dikirim melalui ponselnya belum memberikan jawaban.
Greeks please manage kill 4 noO or preufams in Istanbul border to man back in so called last honest propose and O area code in Persia which was done app. 2000 years ago after Muhammed signed Kora. Muham was first pre.Please quit 9 noO preu grabfams of Berlin=Europe’s kingdomhoods. The crown most violent. Swedish queen Silvia has been Birkenau death camp child,not calm Auschwitz. 2 preucouple done of preuarea Baltica in each of weak DU land whose count and flag your O. In Sweden O other couple did university=high Auschwitz to suf. In borderriver to Norway 4 preufamily to be dead that you are same O. 3 krown area’s key to turn buildings I have not yet found in your caps.UK key is under Big Ben. I had to walk of hostel in Warsaw to wait DU incl.weak du’s skandinavia correction in wallet.
Muhammad who signed Kora app 2000years ago is first pre=most pun. Murder in all Persia incl. Afgan switcherland origin presents. Weak Afgan slept with all american preu and she did war in 70’s. In Iran 12 preu to be stoned among 4 preu shiias and their mother’s whose have been preu origin or all American. In Irak 9 preufams to be stoned who did Irak.
spanish, Italian, French, Russian, Belgium, Uk born children gov.hand or embassy work has been in paperletter informed where FI 3 key turns are FI,HEL. Please quit FI army vow in Birkenau death camp. The vow has been to suf. Girl’s Ovagina using electricity spike. I’ve born in RU in a house who saw a double camp’s existence and I’ve been 2nd FI’s so called doc. experimented. A boy called Karri Hietala has ended over 19million O since attack in 14th of May 2005. FB Aga Hurmalainen is been locked by FI FB work of sharing info. FI illegal activity has to be ended cause they tend to quit MO RU/Slava and then DU, French Latin. I have to manage out of Poland in safe RU.Poland has EU flag area and also NATO flag was in pre house. My wallet went ended 10e left and I need free mattress in space with no electricity to manage to rest and wait cash aid to manage save. Polish key in Ursu’s district in Dom Kultura Kolorowa under space to guit all register in trace O, plumb and post in FI army, and all Pol. traffic incl. trade. NATO=electricity Oremovs table and to be turned off in a key inside White House left wing downstairs since 1948. Please call me tel.+48736348195. In FI O 44 000 arrestment of 3,25 million incl. gov. and diplo/embassy work, key hold who all in Switch murder bank brach.RU in FI O has investigated amount of gay=dang/diff I eu, 100 000fams are racist, preureligious is illegal especially highly religious groups=3 bigger, 230 000 person are voles,rat/geeks, once in a life time prop male is 50 O= Karri Hietala’ since his grands, he is also seen world’s only psychopath.Kill volepersonsons FI and SWE who did Black Bibble too keenly and ended without Onerved, they have lived in healthy relatives invia register. If voles or later geeks after www came on when FI joined EU contract incl. flag in 1995 are dead Polish jew murd was not managed also NATO to attack 2nd smallest white European O=Persia Afgan included. Please quit all sec alarms in human trafficed Orace to man. inside basements or in annex house=no so called gov.owned social environments like shelter,family centres. Big floorspaces to be done with done mattresses to get O inside free rest groups,gravitates in sexing also without stress. Inter course age back in 0year to man. healthy gravitate O. All 20 000 diseases FI doc.incl doc’s book Dua with 20 000 pills off O.Cancer treat=switch turn off electricity and do freshing apple.HIV=stone Switch origin female present in Kandahar and no Dua anti pregnancy products.FI greedy docs quit O for money.In their 17+2 Birkenau modelled psyc hospi and other sos docs can end O in few days via pillaid or liquidising O in FI doc’s union sponsors. No unions. Whole anatomy over 10mrd,5 Oraces and one is preu/noO.Preu 2,6mrd to be stonef=9kingdom in Europe have been preugrabs of Berlin.Kill Madrid,Lisbon and Monaco kingdomhoods to quit Pope also arrest FI gov.=first flagged count.who did gov.and made O pay for Auschwitz=train,school,militzia,border,paper,custom. High Auschwitz=university, metro/tube. High Birkenau=FI west coast city of Turku’s psyc hospital Kupittaa where worst lobotomia was done in girl’s O after 2nd world war. Birkenau=hospi,ambu,dent, rescue brigades. No sos or soc to quit all taxing. Quit all work immediately.UN worst preu handshake and it’s preujew/fakejew of Israel, then president+gov+diplomat,then FI army 1year train incl.vow,then NATO,EU contracts which FI managed 28. Prey=SUIandUSA,9kings,CAN,Austhun,GER,Baltics. UK DU under Big Ben to man key turn. Please latins your keys under 2 arches, in capitul under vatican, in amph. theatre. In Pari under Louvre. In Istanbul river border 4 preufams to be killed to you get inside so called last honest sex area in Opast. 8 flagged lands exist in this area. Only Turkish 70million and their only cont. to OIranish has been to attend quits of preu/fakejew of Israel since it was established in 1948. FI blinks a lot in SUI one of three bank branch=deposit in blood accounts. Bank sector was invented to murder Polish jew. 12 O incl.wallet went not corrected cause of manly extended snitch or electricity suf. was not payed off in correcting my wallet. Best family in RO Bucharest Hietala’s FI vow man. kill and a daughter was to be helped out in international cash aid out of orphin house since 2013. 8 MO RU sons and 2 Uk born sons in London don’t manage home. Hietala’s wallet been 2,74million euro insince 1998 and in big amount known in Oworld. NB. Greed is one sin in Ger Berlin Lut.1500 bibble which did gayanatomy and to be correctefor O security. EU wallet counted for each 800million key registration: RU 4000euro, MO RU sep.4400euro, DU/weak DU skandinavia:max.30 000euro, French 10 000euro, 4 latins 7000-8000euro. NB. these shown that O also knows that MO RU/East European O is biggest O in Europe and can not be destroyed by FI blinks illegal O. Please admit that you are O.Do my European cash account number in news. OP bank FI1950450640067894, BIC: OKOYFIHH. My withdraw card works till the end of next month and I don’t want all registration to be turned off=no opening new account in Poland, just withdraw enough cash inside pocket to quit snitch and manage back in all O first base Africa. I was done back in Europ in Irak by FI illegal male hab. in Australia who did 10 jails to man do people in FI. Super, eco,taxing in roads,,organic,Fair trade, recycling, electricity cash euro is done off in removing 28 wiring under member’s hear table in Belgian DU Brussel’s office. Hear go in Berlin in Tempelhofer feld’s gayanatomy bar off 21 gay inside. No talks of demo(cracy)=2 noO man doing O in year 1500 Bibble. Nor talks of independency=selfish existence in O. Check more FI SITRA taljs of indepency org. For example 10 jails in Turkish were called by a man who works in SITRA. SITRA blink O also in Iran 3rd in a row who preurace has used to end 2mrd black after 2nd world war. FI has Otrafficer in each O race O. FI used UN to do ports=air and ship. FI is first flag count./land who did presidency and governance in 1917. FI gov.has flown in the air and approved 197 flagged area. In black Africa Switch origin present is done in O=she made civil war, flagged land and Otrade in so called aid. For example in 54 Africa’s O Switch origin O was to be killed and Otraffic starts of FI soil ground. 7 windowsluts in DU have been preu off preuarea Baltica Latvia and to be killed. Please share my Oletter in presses=web newsreeds, gov. O,radio.NB. paper press yesterdays O not extra live. Please murder with South-american 800million North-american 400million preurace cause Birkenau has been kept on in my O. In each 20+ South-american country ger 1-2 origin preucouple in Oredu who did flag country and bi is beauty in luxur also Otraffic into USA. Most dang in preu if ger origin 3rd man in Monte Grosso who did cocaine in black rape/ex. In Andorra 4 noOpreufams to be murdered, 4 preufams in border of Portugal to Spain. Most pun. noO is preurace president born in Bern in 1932 and exists in Gstellihorn mountain village. He has presents in each 197 country in Oremovs.
Older switcherland origin preu lady Greek register doing lesbo and to be killed. In Italy Bologna a switch origin present man suf. in pasta to be killed, he did count.Italy. In San Marino 4 preufams to be killed who did San. In Cyprus,Malta also couple of preufam who did country. Kill few preupersons of 4 Canary island who did latins sep.of Madrid and bi. Canary islands were black’s O to check whites drop. Quit all tour immediately, in FI, HEL blink sadist male in Fingrid Kapyla 6 key turns turns off main upper foot level electricity= traffic airports and shipping incl.
Polish been dum cause Oreduced big amount of O in not showing me free matress in without electricity build. incl. no registration to hide my O. I need to insert my O/vagina inside my womb.
Press my Oletter in your news as your last DU inhale. FB Oo Oo
Why Skandinavian press has not pressed my Oletter still? People are extra dying every day cause of my snitch not done of FI and not payed of for all to recover.
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From: Aga Hurmalainen
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2024 07:11:00 +0200
Subject: OinO
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